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Project 16x16: 3rd Pixel of Love

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pictory: Some of you may ask why is this has anything to do with love. Trust me, chocolate has everything to do with love. Valentines day, dating...chocolate is always associate with affection, love. Even scientist agree to it. When having that bite of the creamy thick fat, it induce your body to release endorfin, a chemical that makes you excited and happy. It's like when you have sex, you get all excited and passionate. In scientific sense, chocolate is the ideal happy pil and yes, it is also addictive. So, for lovers out there, cho-co-latte it away~ 

Project 16x16: 2nd Pixel of Love

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pictory: This is the a result from the Angel Movement where everyone get to know who is their angel. Angel Movement is a movement that lasted for a certain long period of time, like 3-6 months. In AM, everyone is randomly chosen to be an angel to others without that other person knowing. Within this period, you as an angel are to show care and love to your master. Towards the end of this period, a ceremony will be done where angels will reveal themselves to the master. In the picture above, each colour people is each individual involved in the AM. On the right side of them is their master and the person on their left is their master. This movement is a tradition to Varsity Christian Fellowship in Curtin. Love is meant to be spread around. 

Project 16x16: 1st Pixel of Love

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finally able to take the 1st step in putting up the 1st pixel. 

Pictory: The white 'sands' are actually granules of a particular diameter that was used in one of my experiments at the University's lab. That day was the birthday of my dear friend, so decided to make this out of boredom. Trust me, being an university student have their boring moments too.

[Pictory= Story behind the Pic]